

• If the server gets down, customers keep attempting to associate until the server gets back on the web.

• If the server gets down, when you put it up again it will send orders beginning from the last order given before the closure. You don’t have to recall where it was.

• You can add new orders to the first document without halting the server. The server will peruse them naturally.

• If some customer goes down, the server will recall which order it was executing and it will re-plan it for some other time.

• It will store everything about the activities in a log record.

• It shows continuous measurements about the activity of every customer

You can pick which port to utilize. Defaults to 46001. Just the Online customers are displayed in the running details.

USAGE: ./dnmap_server – f commands.txt (start dnmap server)EXAMPLE: (see dnmap)

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DESCRIPTION: • If the server gets down, it continues to associate with it until



DESCRIPTION: CaseFile enables you to rapidly add, connect and break down

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