Creating and Deleting new User on Linux

Creating and Deleting new User on Linux

To create a new user account, we are using the useradd command followed by the name of the user. Please note, only root or users with sudo privileges can use the useradd command to create new user accounts.

For example, to create a new user named username you would run:

$ sudo useradd username

When executed without any option, useradd creates a new user account using the default settings specified in the /etc/default/useradd file.

To be able to log in as the newly created user, you need to set the user password. To do that run the passwd command followed by the username:

$ sudo passwd username

How to Add a New User and Create Home Directory

On most Linux distributions, when creating a new user account with useradd, the user’s home directory is not created.

Use the -m (--create-home) option to create the user home directory as /home/username:

$ sudo useradd -m username

Creating a User with Specific Group ID

The -g (--gid) option allows you to create a user with a specific initial login group. You can specify either the group name or the GID number. The group name or GID must already exist.

$ sudo useradd -g users username

Creating a User with Custom Comment

The -c (--comment) option allows you to add a short description for the new user. Typically, the user’s full name or the contact information are added as a comment.

In the following example, we are creating a new user named username with text string Test User Account as a comment:

$ sudo useradd -c "New testing user" username

Creating a User with an Expiry Date

To define a time at which the new user accounts will expire, use the -e (--expiredate) option. 

$ sudo useradd -e 2022-12-31 username

Use the chage command to verify the user account expiry date:

$ sudo chage -l username

How to Delete User in Linux

To delete a user account named username using the userdel command you would run:

$ sudo userdel username

In most Linux distributions, when removing a user account with userdel, the user home and mail spool directories are not removed.

Use the -r (--remove) option to force userdel to remove the user’s home directory and mail spool:

$ sudo userdel -r username

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